Charcoal Filter & Mounting Bracket


Charcoal filter absorbs anesthetic waste gas.


  • Convenient
  • Up to 12 hours of surgical time  (average)
  • Inexpensive
  • Simple to use
  • Passive system

(Estimated usage via weight measurements)

580-1250 Charcoal Filter
580-1270 Mounting Bracket
568-0200-6 19mm Scavenging Tubing 6′
580-1250A Charcoal Filter Kit
(filter, mount, & 19mm tube, 22mm x 19mm & adapter)
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If you have any questions, need more information on a product or don’t see a product you are looking for, please call us, email us or you can request pricing and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.

Our team has more than 150 years of combined experience allowing your veterinary practice to be equipped for better.

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