Let’s Be Honest…
All the below precision vaporizers offer accurate output concentrations – regardless of flow, temperature, duration of use, drug liquid levels, and back pressures – when used within their specified clinical ranges.
The differences that require comparison are the warranty, price, recommended recalibration schedules, & serviceability.
Learn more in the below matrix.
Tek 4
Vetland D19
Vetland D20
Tek 3
Drager 2000
Calibration* | 3 year recommended recalibration schedule for continued accuracy | Calibrated for Life | Calibrated for Life | 3 year recommended recalibration schedule for continued accuracy | 3 year recommended recalibration schedule for continued accuracy | 3 year recommended recalibration schedule for continued accuracy |
Warranty | 3-Year Warranty | 10-Year Warranty | 5-Year Warranty | 3-Year Warranty | 90-day Warranty | 3-Year Warranty |
Thermostat | Bimetallic strip | Large metal masses of different material | Bimetallic strip | Bimetallic strip | Liquid filled bellows | Large metal masses of different materials |
ISO Accuracy |
±15% Accuracy | ±15% Accuracy | ±15% Accuracy | ±15% Accuracy | ±15% Accuracy | ±15% Accuracy |
SEVO Accuracy | ±20% Accuracy | ±20% Accuracy | ±20% Accuracy | ±20% Accuracy | ±20% Accuracy | ±20% Accuracy |
Available as Funnel Fill |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Available as Key Fill |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mounting Options | Variety of mounting manifolds available | Variety of mounting manifolds available | Variety of mounting manifolds available | Built-in 23mm manifold | 23mm Manifold | Variety of mounting manifolds available |
Service | Planned service support through 2025 | Planned service support through 2035 | Planned service support through 2035 | Planned service support through 2030 | Serviceability done on a “best-effort” basis | Planned service support through 2035 |
*Vetland Recommendation